Source code for causal_world.wrappers.env_wrappers

import numpy as np
from gym import spaces
import gym

[docs]class HERGoalEnvWrapper(gym.GoalEnv):
[docs] def __init__(self, env, activate_sparse_reward=False): """ :param env: (causal_world.CausalWorld) the environment to convert. :param activate_sparse_reward: (bool) True to activate sparse rewards. """ super(HERGoalEnvWrapper, self).__init__() self.env = env self.metadata = self.env.metadata self.action_space = env.action_space current_goal = self.env.get_task().get_achieved_goal().flatten() goal_space_shape = current_goal.shape self.action_space = self.env.action_space if activate_sparse_reward: self.env.get_task().activate_sparse_reward() self.observation_space = spaces.Dict( dict(desired_goal=spaces.Box(-np.inf, np.inf, shape=goal_space_shape, dtype=np.float64), achieved_goal=spaces.Box(-np.inf, np.inf, shape=goal_space_shape, dtype=np.float64), observation=self.env.observation_space)) self.reward_range = self.env.reward_range self.metadata = self.env.metadata self.env.add_wrapper_info({ 'her_environment': { 'activate_sparse_reward': activate_sparse_reward } })
def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith('_'): raise AttributeError( "attempted to get missing private attribute '{}'".format(name)) return getattr(self.env, name) @property def spec(self): """ :return: """ return self.env.spec
[docs] @classmethod def class_name(cls): """ :return: """ return cls.__name__
[docs] def step(self, action): """ Used to step through the enviroment. :param action: (nd.array) specifies which action should be taken by the robot, should follow the same action mode specified. :return: (nd.array) specifies the observations returned after stepping through the environment. Again, it follows the observation_mode specified. """ obs_dict = dict() normal_obs, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action) obs_dict['observation'] = normal_obs obs_dict['achieved_goal'] = info['achieved_goal'].flatten() obs_dict['desired_goal'] = info['desired_goal'].flatten() return obs_dict, reward, done, info
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the environment to the current starting state of the environment. :return: (nd.array) specifies the observations returned after resetting the environment. Again, it follows the observation_mode specified. """ obs_dict = dict() normal_obs = self.env.reset() obs_dict['observation'] = normal_obs obs_dict['achieved_goal'] = self.env.get_task().get_achieved_goal( ).flatten() obs_dict['desired_goal'] = self.env.get_task().get_desired_goal( ).flatten() return obs_dict
[docs] def render(self, mode='human', **kwargs): """ Returns an RGB image taken from above the platform. :param mode: (str) not taken in account now. :return: (nd.array) an RGB image taken from above the platform. """ return self.env.render(mode, **kwargs)
[docs] def close(self): """ closes the environment in a safe manner should be called at the end of the program. :return: None """ return self.env.close()
[docs] def seed(self, seed=None): """ Used to set the seed of the environment, to reproduce the same randomness. :param seed: (int) specifies the seed number :return: (int in list) the numpy seed that you can use further. """ return self.env.seed(seed)
[docs] def compute_reward(self, achieved_goal, desired_goal, info): """ Used to calculate the reward given a hypothetical situation that could be used in hindsight experience replay algorithms variants. Can only be used in the spare reward setting for the other setting it can be tricky here. :param achieved_goal: (nd.array) specifies the achieved goal as bounding boxes of objects by default. :param desired_goal: (nd.array) specifies the desired goal as bounding boxes of goal shapes by default. :param info: (dict) not used for now. :return: (float) the final reward achieved given the hypothetical situation. """ return self.env.get_task().compute_reward(achieved_goal, desired_goal, info)
def __str__(self): """ :return: """ return '<{}{}>'.format(type(self).__name__, self.env) def __repr__(self): """ :return: """ return str(self) @property def unwrapped(self): """ :return: """ return self.env.unwrapped