Source code for causal_world.viewers.task_viewer

from causal_world.envs.causalworld import CausalWorld
from gym.wrappers.monitoring.video_recorder import VideoRecorder
from causal_world.task_generators.task import generate_task
import numpy as np

[docs]def view_episode(episode, env_wrappers=np.array([]), env_wrappers_args=np.array([])): """ Visualizes a logged episode in the GUI :param episode: (Episode) the logged episode :param env_wrappers: (list) a list of gym wrappers :param env_wrappers_args: (list) a list of kwargs for the gym wrappers :return: """ actual_skip_frame = episode.world_params["skip_frame"] env = get_world(episode.task_name, episode.task_params, episode.world_params, enable_visualization=True, env_wrappers=env_wrappers, env_wrappers_args=env_wrappers_args) env.reset() env.set_starting_state(episode.initial_full_state, check_bounds=False) for time, observation, reward, action in zip(episode.timestamps, episode.observations, episode.rewards, episode.robot_actions): for _ in range(actual_skip_frame): env.step(action) env.close()
[docs]def view_policy(task, world_params, policy_fn, max_time_steps, number_of_resets, env_wrappers=np.array([]), env_wrappers_args=np.array([])): """ Visualizes a policy for a specified environment in the GUI :param task: (Task) the task of the environment :param world_params: (dict) the world_params of the environment :param policy_fn: the policy to be evaluated :param max_time_steps: (int) the maximum number of time steps per episode :param number_of_resets: (int) the number of resets/episodes to be viewed :param env_wrappers: (list) a list of gym wrappers :param env_wrappers_args: (list) a list of kwargs for the gym wrappers :return: """ actual_skip_frame = world_params["skip_frame"] env = get_world(task.get_task_name(), task.get_task_params(), world_params, enable_visualization=True, env_wrappers=env_wrappers, env_wrappers_args=env_wrappers_args) for reset_idx in range(number_of_resets): obs = env.reset() for time in range(int(max_time_steps / number_of_resets)): #compute next action desired_action = policy_fn(obs) for _ in range(actual_skip_frame): obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action=desired_action) env.close()
[docs]def record_video_of_policy(task, world_params, policy_fn, file_name, number_of_resets, max_time_steps=100, env_wrappers=np.array([]), env_wrappers_args=np.array([])): """ Records a video of a policy for a specified environment :param task: (Task) the task of the environment :param world_params: (dict) the world_params of the environment :param policy_fn: the policy to be evaluated :param file_name: (str) full path where the video is being stored. :param number_of_resets: (int) the number of resets/episodes to be viewed :param max_time_steps: (int) the maximum number of time steps per episode :param env_wrappers: (list) a list of gym wrappers :param env_wrappers_args: (list) a list of kwargs for the gym wrappers :return: """ actual_skip_frame = world_params["skip_frame"] env = get_world(task.get_task_name(), task.get_task_params(), world_params, enable_visualization=False, env_wrappers=env_wrappers, env_wrappers_args=env_wrappers_args) recorder = VideoRecorder(env, "{}.mp4".format(file_name)) for reset_idx in range(number_of_resets): obs = env.reset() recorder.capture_frame() for i in range(max_time_steps): desired_action = policy_fn(obs) for _ in range(actual_skip_frame): obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action=desired_action) recorder.capture_frame() recorder.close() env.close()
[docs]def record_video_of_random_policy(task, world_params, file_name, number_of_resets, max_time_steps=100, env_wrappers=np.array([]), env_wrappers_args=np.array([])): """ Records a video of a random policy for a specified environment :param task: (Task) the task of the environment :param world_params: (dict) the world_params of the environment :param file_name: (str) full path where the video is being stored. :param number_of_resets: (int) the number of resets/episodes to be viewed :param max_time_steps: (int) the maximum number of time steps per episode :param env_wrappers: (list) a list of gym wrappers :param env_wrappers_args: (list) a list of kwargs for the gym wrappers :return: """ actual_skip_frame = world_params["skip_frame"] env = get_world(task.get_task_name(), task.get_task_params(), world_params, enable_visualization=False, env_wrappers=env_wrappers, env_wrappers_args=env_wrappers_args) recorder = VideoRecorder(env, "{}.mp4".format(file_name)) for reset_idx in range(number_of_resets): obs = env.reset() recorder.capture_frame() for i in range(max_time_steps): for _ in range(actual_skip_frame): obs, reward, done, info = \ env.step(action=env.action_space.sample()) recorder.capture_frame() recorder.close() env.close()
[docs]def record_video_of_episode(episode, file_name, env_wrappers=np.array([]), env_wrappers_args=np.array([])): """ Records a video of a logged episode for a specified environment :param episode: (Episode) the logged episode :param file_name: (str) full path where the video is being stored. :param env_wrappers: (list) a list of gym wrappers :param env_wrappers_args: (list) a list of kwargs for the gym wrappers :return: """ actual_skip_frame = episode.world_params["skip_frame"] env = get_world(episode.task_name, episode.task_params, episode.world_params, enable_visualization=False, env_wrappers=env_wrappers, env_wrappers_args=env_wrappers_args) env.set_starting_state(episode.initial_full_state, check_bounds=False) recorder = VideoRecorder(env, "{}.mp4".format(file_name)) recorder.capture_frame() for time, observation, reward, action in zip(episode.timestamps, episode.observations, episode.rewards, episode.robot_actions): for _ in range(actual_skip_frame): env.step(action) recorder.capture_frame() recorder.close() env.close()
[docs]def get_world(task_generator_id, task_params, world_params, enable_visualization=False, env_wrappers=np.array([]), env_wrappers_args=np.array([])): """ Returns a particular CausalWorld instance with optional wrappers :param task_generator_id: (str) id of the task of the environment :param task_params: (dict) task params of the environment :param world_params: (dict) world_params of the environment :param enable_visualization: (bool) if GUI visualization is enabled :param env_wrappers: (list) a list of gym wrappers :param env_wrappers_args: (list) a list of kwargs for the gym wrappers :return: (CausalWorld) a CausalWorld environment instance """ world_params["skip_frame"] = 1 if task_params is None: task = generate_task(task_generator_id) else: if "task_name" in task_params: del task_params["task_name"] task = generate_task(task_generator_id, **task_params) if "enable_visualization" in world_params.keys(): world_params_temp = dict(world_params) del world_params_temp["enable_visualization"] env = CausalWorld(task, **world_params_temp, enable_visualization=enable_visualization) else: env = CausalWorld(task, **world_params, enable_visualization=enable_visualization) for i in range(len(env_wrappers)): env = env_wrappers[i](env, **env_wrappers_args[i]) return env
[docs]def record_video(env, policy, file_name, number_of_resets=1, max_time_steps=None): """ Records a video of a policy for a specified environment :param env: (causal_world.CausalWorld) the environment to use for recording. :param policy: the policy to be evaluated :param file_name: (str) full path where the video is being stored. :param number_of_resets: (int) the number of resets/episodes to be viewed :param max_time_steps: (int) the maximum number of time steps per episode :return: """ recorder = VideoRecorder(env, "{}.mp4".format(file_name)) for reset_idx in range(number_of_resets): policy.reset() obs = env.reset() recorder.capture_frame() if max_time_steps is not None: for i in range(max_time_steps): desired_action = policy.act(obs) obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action=desired_action) recorder.capture_frame() else: while True: desired_action = policy.act(obs) obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action=desired_action) recorder.capture_frame() if done: break recorder.close() return