Source code for causal_world.envs.scene.silhouette

import pybullet
import numpy as np
import copy
from causal_world.utils.rotation_utils import rotate_points, cyl2cart, \
    cart2cyl, euler_to_quaternion
from causal_world.configs.world_constants import WorldConstants

[docs]class SilhouetteObject(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, pybullet_client_ids, name, size, position, orientation, color): """ This is the base object for a silhouette in the arena. :param pybullet_client_ids: (list) list of pybullet client ids. :param name: (str) specifies the name of the silhouette object :param size: (list float) specifies the size of the object. :param position: (list float) x, y, z position. :param orientation: (list float) quaternion. :param color: (list float) RGB values. """ self._pybullet_client_ids = pybullet_client_ids self._name = name self._type_id = None self._size = size self._color = color self._alpha = 0.3 self._position = position self._orientation = orientation self._block_ids = [] self._shape_ids = [] self._define_type_id() self._volume = None self._set_volume() self._init_object() self._lower_bounds = dict() self._upper_bounds = dict() self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_type"] = \ np.array([self._type_id]) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_cartesian_position"] = \ np.array([-0.5, -0.5, 0]) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_cylindrical_position"] = \ np.array([0, 0, 0]) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_orientation"] = \ np.array([-10] * 4) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_size"] = \ np.array([0.03, 0.03, 0.03]) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_color"] = \ np.array([0] * 3) #decision: type id is not normalized self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_type"] = \ np.array([self._type_id]) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_cartesian_position"] = \ np.array([0.5] * 3) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_cylindrical_position"] = \ np.array([0.20, np.pi, 0.5]) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_orientation"] = \ np.array([10] * 4) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_size"] = \ np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_color"] = \ np.array([1] * 3) self._state_variable_names = [] self._state_variable_names = [ 'type', 'cartesian_position', 'cylindrical_position', 'orientation', 'size', 'color' ] self._state_variable_sizes = [] self._state_size = 0 for state_variable_name in self._state_variable_names: self._state_variable_sizes.append( self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_" + state_variable_name].shape[0]) self._state_size += self._state_variable_sizes[-1] self._add_state_variables() return
def _set_volume(self): """ sets the volume of the goal using the size attribute. :return: """ self._volume = self._size[0] * self._size[1] * self._size[2] return def _add_state_variables(self): """ used to add state variables to the silhouette object. :return: """ return def _create_object(self, pybullet_client_id, **kwargs): """ :param pybullet_client_id: (int) pybullet client id to be used when creating the gaol itself. :param kwargs: (params) parameters to be used when creating the goal using the corresponding pybullet goal creation parameters :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("the creation function is not defined " "yet") def _define_type_id(self): """ Defines the type id of the goal itself. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("the define type id function " "is not defined yet") def _init_object(self): """ Used to initialize the goal, by creating it in the arena. :return: """ for pybullet_client_id in self._pybullet_client_ids: shape_id, block_id =\ self._create_object(pybullet_client_id) self._block_ids.append(block_id) self._shape_ids.append(shape_id) self._set_color(self._color) return
[docs] def reinit_object(self): """ Used to remove the goal from the arena and creating it again. :return: """ self.remove() self._init_object() return
[docs] def remove(self): """ Used to remove the goal from the arena. :return: """ for i in range(0, len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): pybullet.removeBody(self._block_ids[i], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) self._block_ids = [] self._shape_ids = [] return
def _set_color(self, color): """ :param color: (list) color RGB normalized from 0 to 1. :return: """ for i in range(len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): pybullet.changeVisualShape( self._block_ids[i], -1, rgbaColor=np.append(color, self._alpha), physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) return
[docs] def set_pose(self, position, orientation): """ :param position: (list) cartesian x,y,z positon of the center of the gaol shape. :param orientation: (list) quaternion x,y,z,w of the goal itself. :return: """ position[-1] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT for i in range(0, len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): pybullet.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[i], position, orientation, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) return
[docs] def get_state(self, state_type='dict'): """ :param state_type: (str) specifying 'dict' or 'list' :return: (list) returns either a dict or a list specifying the state variables of the goal shape. """ if state_type == 'dict': state = dict() position, orientation = \ pybullet.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId = self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT state["type"] = self._type_id state["cartesian_position"] = np.array(position) state["cylindrical_position"] = cart2cyl(np.array(position)) state["orientation"] = np.array(orientation) state["size"] = self._size state["color"] = self._color elif state_type == 'list': state = [] position, orientation = pybullet.\ getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT for name in self._state_variable_names: if name == 'type': state.append(self._type_id) elif name == 'cartesian_position': state.extend(position) elif name == 'orientation': state.extend(orientation) elif name == 'size': state.extend(self._size) elif name == 'color': state.extend(self._color) return state
[docs] def get_variable_state(self, variable_name): """ :param variable_name: (str) specifies the variable name of the goal. :return: (nd.array) the high level variable value. """ if variable_name == 'type': return self._type_id elif variable_name == 'cartesian_position': position, orientation = pybullet.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT return position elif variable_name == 'cylindrical_position': position, orientation = pybullet.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT return cart2cyl(position) elif variable_name == 'orientation': position, orientation = pybullet.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT return orientation elif variable_name == 'size': return self._size elif variable_name == 'color': return self._color
[docs] def set_full_state(self, new_state): """ :param new_state: (list) specifies the state to set the goal shape to. :return: """ #form dict first new_state_dict = dict() current_state = self.get_state() start = 0 for i in range(len(self._state_variable_sizes)): end = start + self._state_variable_sizes[i] if not np.all(current_state[self._state_variable_names[i]] == new_state[start:end]): if end == start + 1: new_state_dict[self._state_variable_names[i]] = \ new_state[start:end][0] else: new_state_dict[self._state_variable_names[i]] = \ new_state[start:end] start = end self.apply_interventions(new_state_dict) return
[docs] def apply_interventions(self, interventions_dict): """ :param interventions_dict: (dict) specifies the interventions to be performed on the goal shape itself. :return: """ #TODO: Add frictions to apply interventions if 'cylindrical_position' in interventions_dict: interventions_dict['cartesian_position'] = \ cyl2cart(interventions_dict['cylindrical_position']) if 'euler_orientation' in interventions_dict: interventions_dict['orientation'] = euler_to_quaternion( interventions_dict['euler_orientation']) if 'cartesian_position' not in interventions_dict or \ 'orientation' not in interventions_dict: position, orientation = pybullet.\ getBasePositionAndOrientation(self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT if 'cartesian_position' in interventions_dict: position = interventions_dict['cartesian_position'] if 'orientation' in interventions_dict: orientation = interventions_dict['orientation'] if 'size' in interventions_dict: self._size = interventions_dict['size'] self._set_volume() self.reinit_object() if 'cartesian_position' in interventions_dict or 'orientation' in \ interventions_dict: for i in range(0, len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): position[-1] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT pybullet.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[i], position, orientation, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) if 'color' in interventions_dict: self._color = interventions_dict['color'] self._set_color(self._color) return
[docs] def get_state_variable_names(self): """ :return: (list) specifies the various variable names in the list itself. """ return self._state_variable_names
[docs] def get_bounds(self): """ :return: (tuple) first position specifying the lower bounds of the variables, second position specifying the upper bounds of the variables. """ return self._lower_bounds, self._upper_bounds
[docs] def get_state_size(self): """ :return: (int) returns the size of the state variables. """ return self._state_size
[docs] def get_bounding_box(self): """ :return: (tuple) first position specifying the lower bounds of the variables, second position specifying the upper bounds of the variables. """ vertices = self.get_vertices() # low values for each axis low_bound = [ np.min(vertices[:, 0]), np.min(vertices[:, 1]), np.min(vertices[:, 2]) ] upper_bound = [ np.max(vertices[:, 0]), np.max(vertices[:, 1]), np.max(vertices[:, 2]) ] return (tuple(low_bound), tuple(upper_bound))
[docs] def get_vertices(self): """ :return: (nd.array) specifies the current vertices of the gaol shape. """ position, orientation = \ pybullet.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT vertices = [[1, 1, -1, 1], [1, -1, -1, 1], [-1, 1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, -1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 1, 1], [-1, -1, 1, 1]] temp_size = np.array([self._size[0], self._size[1], self._size[2], 2]) vertices = [(point * temp_size / 2.0) for point in vertices] return rotate_points(np.array(vertices), orientation, position)
[docs] def get_size(self): """ :return: (nd.array) returns the size of the goal shape. """ return self._size
[docs] def get_volume(self): """ :return: (nd.array) returns the volume of the goal shape. """ return self._volume
[docs] def get_name(self): """ :return: (str) returns the name of the object. """ return self._name
[docs] def get_block_ids(self): """ :return: (list) returns the block ids in the active pybullet clients. """ return self._block_ids
[docs]class SCuboid(SilhouetteObject):
[docs] def __init__(self, pybullet_client_ids, name, size=np.array([0.065, 0.065, 0.065]), position=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0425]), orientation=np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]), color=np.array([0, 1, 0])): """ This is the silhoutte cuboid object. :param pybullet_client_ids: (list) specifies the pybullet client ids. :param name: (str) specifies the name of the object. :param size: (list float) specifies the size in the three directions. :param position: (list float) specifies the position in x,y,z. :param orientation: (list float) specifies the quaternion of the object. :param color: (list float) specifies the RGB values of the cuboid. """ super(SCuboid, self).__init__(pybullet_client_ids=pybullet_client_ids, name=name, size=size, position=position, orientation=orientation, color=color)
def _create_object(self, pybullet_client_id, **kwargs): """ :param pybullet_client_id: (list) specifies the pybullet client ids. :param kwargs: (params) parameters for the goal shape creation. :return: (tuple) the first position specifies the shape_id and the second specifies the block id for pybullet. """ position = np.array(self._position) position[-1] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT shape_id = pybullet.createVisualShape( shapeType=pybullet.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=self._size / 2, rgbaColor=np.append(self._color, self._alpha), physicsClientId=pybullet_client_id) block_id = pybullet.createMultiBody(baseVisualShapeIndex=shape_id, basePosition=position, baseOrientation=self._orientation, physicsClientId=pybullet_client_id) return shape_id, block_id def _define_type_id(self): """ Sets the type id. :return: """ self._type_id = 20 return
[docs] def get_recreation_params(self): """ :return: (dict) the creation parameters needed to recreate the goal. """ recreation_params = dict() recreation_params['name'] = self._name recreation_params['size'] = self._size position, orientation = pybullet. \ getBasePositionAndOrientation(self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT recreation_params['position'] = position recreation_params['orientation'] = orientation recreation_params['color'] = self._color return copy.deepcopy(recreation_params)
[docs]class SSphere(SilhouetteObject):
[docs] def __init__(self, pybullet_client_ids, name, radius=0.015, position=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0425]), color=np.array([0, 1, 0])): """ :param pybullet_client_ids: (list) specifies the pybullet client ids. :param name: (str) specifies the name of the goal shape. :param radius: (float) specifies the radius of the sphere goal. :param position: (list float) specifies the position in x,y,z. :param color: (list float) specifies the RGB values of the cuboid. """ self._radius = radius size = np.array([self._radius * 2, self._radius * 2, self._radius * 2]) super(SSphere, self).__init__(pybullet_client_ids=pybullet_client_ids, name=name, size=size, position=position, orientation=[0, 0, 0, 1], color=color)
def _create_object(self, pybullet_client_id, **kwargs): """ :param pybullet_client_id: (int) corresponding pybullet client to create the gaol shape in. :param kwargs: (params) parameters for the goal shape creation. :return: (tuple) the first position specifies the shape_id and the second specifies the block id for pybullet. """ position = np.array(self._position) position[-1] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT shape_id = pybullet.createVisualShape( shapeType=pybullet.GEOM_SPHERE, radius=self._radius, rgbaColor=np.append(self._color, self._alpha), physicsClientId=pybullet_client_id) block_id = pybullet.createMultiBody(baseVisualShapeIndex=shape_id, basePosition=position, baseOrientation=[0, 0, 0, 1], physicsClientId=pybullet_client_id) return shape_id, block_id def _define_type_id(self): """ Sets the type id of the gaol shape. :return: """ self._type_id = 21 return
[docs] def apply_interventions(self, interventions_dict): """ :param interventions_dict: (dict) specifies the interventions to be performed on the various variables. :return: """ if 'size' in interventions_dict: raise Exception("can't apply intervention on size") if 'orientation' in interventions_dict: raise Exception("can't apply intervention on orientation") super(SSphere, self).apply_interventions(interventions_dict) #TODO: handle intervention on radius return
[docs] def get_recreation_params(self): """ :return: (dict) the creation parameters needed to recreate the goal shape. """ recreation_params = dict() recreation_params['name'] = self._name recreation_params['radius'] = self._radius position, orientation = pybullet. \ getBasePositionAndOrientation(self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT recreation_params['position'] = position recreation_params['color'] = self._color return copy.deepcopy(recreation_params)
[docs]class SMeshObject(SilhouetteObject):
[docs] def __init__(self, pybullet_client_ids, name, filename, scale=np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01]), position=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0425]), orientation=np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]), color=np.array([0, 1, 0])): """ :param pybullet_client_ids: (list) specifies the pybullet clients. :param name: (str) specifies the name of the goal. :param filename: (str) specifies the name of the file itself. :param scale: (list float) specifies the scale of the mesh goal. :param position: (list float) specifies the positions in x,y,z :param orientation: (list float) specifies the quaternion of the goal. :param color: (list float) specifies the RGB values. """ #TODO: intervene on friction as well self._scale = scale self._filename = filename size = self._set_size(pybullet_client_ids, position, orientation) super(SMeshObject, self).__init__(pybullet_client_ids=pybullet_client_ids, name=name, size=size, position=position, orientation=orientation, color=color)
def _set_size(self, pybullet_client_ids, position, orientation): """ :param pybullet_client_ids: (list) specifies the pybullet clients. :param position: (list float) specifies the positions in x,y,z :param orientation: (list float) specifies the quaternion of the goal. :return: (list) the size of the bounding box of the object. """ temp_shape_id = pybullet.createCollisionShape( shapeType=pybullet.GEOM_MESH, meshScale=self._scale, fileName=self._filename, physicsClientId=pybullet_client_ids[0]) temp_block_id = pybullet.createMultiBody( baseCollisionShapeIndex=temp_shape_id, basePosition=position, baseOrientation=orientation, baseMass=0.1, physicsClientId=pybullet_client_ids[0]) bb = pybullet.getAABB(temp_block_id, physicsClientId=pybullet_client_ids[0]) size = np.array([(bb[1][0] - bb[0][0]), (bb[1][1] - bb[0][1]), (bb[1][2] - bb[0][2])]) pybullet.removeBody(temp_block_id, physicsClientId=pybullet_client_ids[0]) return size def _create_object(self, pybullet_client_id, **kwargs): """ :param pybullet_client_id: (list) specifies the pybullet clients. :param kwargs: (params) parameters for the goal shape creation. :return: (tuple) the first position specifies the shape_id and the second specifies the block id for pybullet. """ position = np.array(self._position) position[-1] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT shape_id = pybullet.createVisualShape( shapeType=pybullet.GEOM_MESH, meshScale=self._scale, fileName=self._filename, rgbaColor=np.append(self._color, self._alpha), physicsClientId=pybullet_client_id) block_id = pybullet.createMultiBody(baseVisualShapeIndex=shape_id, basePosition=position, baseOrientation=self._orientation, physicsClientId=pybullet_client_id) return shape_id, block_id def _define_type_id(self): """ Sets the goal id of the object. :return: """ self._type_id = 23 return
[docs] def get_recreation_params(self): """ :return: (dict) the creation parameters needed to recreate the goal shape. """ recreation_params = dict() recreation_params['name'] = self._name recreation_params['filename'] = self._filename recreation_params['scale'] = self._scale position, orientation = pybullet. \ getBasePositionAndOrientation(self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT recreation_params['position'] = position recreation_params['orientation'] = orientation recreation_params['color'] = self._color return copy.deepcopy(recreation_params)