Source code for causal_world.envs.scene.objects

import pybullet
import numpy as np
from causal_world.utils.rotation_utils import rotate_points, \
    get_transformation_matrix, get_rotation_matrix, cyl2cart, cart2cyl, euler_to_quaternion
import copy
from causal_world.configs.world_constants import WorldConstants

[docs]class RigidObject(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, pybullet_client_ids, name, size, initial_position, initial_orientation, mass, color, lateral_friction, spinning_friction, restitution, initial_linear_velocity, initial_angular_velocity, fixed_bool): """ This is the base class of any rigid object whether it is fixed or not. :param pybullet_client_ids: (list) specifies the pybullet client ids where this object will be in. :param name: (str) specifies the name of the object, needs to be unique. :param size: (float list) 3 dimensional list specifies the size :param initial_position: (float list) specifies the x,y,z position in the arena. :param initial_orientation: (float list) specifies the quaternion orientation. :param mass: (float) specifies the mass of the object itself. 0 if fixed. :param color: (float list) specifies the RGB values of the object. :param lateral_friction: (float) specifies the lateral friction of the object. :param spinning_friction: (float) specifies the spinning friction of the object. :param restitution: (float) specifies the restitution of the object. :param initial_linear_velocity: (float list) specifies the velocity in the x,y,z directions. :param initial_angular_velocity: (float list) specifies the velocity in the yaw, roll, pitch values. :param fixed_bool: (bool) specifies if the object is fixed or not. """ self._pybullet_client_ids = pybullet_client_ids self._name = name self._type_id = None self._mass = mass self._size = size self._not_fixed = not fixed_bool self._color = color self._initial_position = initial_position self._initial_orientation = initial_orientation self._initial_linear_velocity = initial_linear_velocity self._initial_angular_velocity = initial_angular_velocity self._lateral_friction = lateral_friction self._spinning_friction = spinning_friction self._restitution = restitution self._block_ids = [] self._shape_ids = [] self._define_type_id() self._volume = None self._set_volume() self._init_object() self._lower_bounds = dict() self._upper_bounds = dict() self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_type"] = \ np.array([self._type_id]) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_cartesian_position"] = \ np.array([-0.5, -0.5, 0]) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_cylindrical_position"] = \ np.array([0, 0, 0]) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_orientation"] = \ np.array([-10] * 4) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_friction"] = \ np.array([0]) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_size"] = \ np.array([0.03, 0.03, 0.03]) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_color"] = \ np.array([0] * 3) if self.is_not_fixed(): self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_linear_velocity"] = \ np.array([-0.5] * 3) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_angular_velocity"] = \ np.array([-np.pi] * 3) self._lower_bounds[self._name + "_mass"] = \ np.array([0.02]) #decision: type id is not normalized self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_type"] = \ np.array([self._type_id]) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_friction"] = \ np.array([10]) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_cartesian_position"] = \ np.array([0.5] * 3) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_cylindrical_position"] = \ np.array([0.20, np.pi, 0.5]) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_orientation"] = \ np.array([10] * 4) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_size"] = \ np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_color"] = \ np.array([1] * 3) if self.is_not_fixed(): self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_linear_velocity"] = \ np.array([0.5] * 3) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_angular_velocity"] = \ np.array([np.pi] * 3) self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_mass"] = \ np.array([0.2]) self._state_variable_names = [] if self.is_not_fixed(): self._state_variable_names = [ 'type', 'cartesian_position', 'cylindrical_position', 'orientation', 'linear_velocity', 'angular_velocity', 'mass', 'size', 'color', 'friction', 'type' ] else: self._state_variable_names = [ 'type', 'cartesian_position', 'cylindrical_position', 'orientation', 'size', 'color', 'friction', 'type' ] self._state_variable_sizes = [] self._state_size = 0 for state_variable_name in self._state_variable_names: self._state_variable_sizes.append( self._upper_bounds[self._name + "_" + state_variable_name].shape[0]) self._state_size += self._state_variable_sizes[-1] self._add_state_variables() return
[docs] def get_initial_position(self): """ :return: (nd.array) initial position where the object was created. """ return self._initial_position
def _set_volume(self): """ sets the volume based on the size of the object or otherwise. :return: """ self._volume = self._size[0] * self._size[1] * self._size[2] return def _add_state_variables(self): """ :return: """ return def _create_object(self, pybullet_client_id, **kwargs): """ :param pybullet_client_id: (int) pybullet client id to create the object in. :param kwargs: (params) parameters of the object to be created. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("the creation function is not defined " "yet") def _define_type_id(self): """ defines the type id. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("the define type id function " "is not defined yet")
[docs] def get_recreation_params(self): """ gets the params that are needed to recreate the same object again. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError("the define type id function " "is not defined yet")
def _init_object(self): """ initializes the object using this function. :return: """ for pybullet_client_id in self._pybullet_client_ids: shape_id, block_id =\ self._create_object(pybullet_client_id) self._block_ids.append(block_id) self._shape_ids.append(shape_id) self._set_color(self._color) self._set_lateral_friction(self._lateral_friction) self._set_restitution(self._restitution) self._set_spinning_friction(self._spinning_friction) return
[docs] def get_variable_state(self, variable_name): """ :param variable_name: (str) variable name to query about the object. :return: (nd.array, float or int) returns the corresponding value of the variable. """ if variable_name == 'type': return self._type_id elif variable_name == 'cartesian_position': position, orientation = pybullet.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT return position elif variable_name == 'cylindrical_position': position, orientation = pybullet.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT return cart2cyl(position) elif variable_name == 'orientation': position, orientation = pybullet.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT return orientation elif variable_name == 'linear_velocity': linear_velocity, angular_velocity = pybullet.getBaseVelocity( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) return linear_velocity elif variable_name == 'angular_velocity': linear_velocity, angular_velocity = pybullet.getBaseVelocity( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) return angular_velocity elif variable_name == 'mass': return self._mass elif variable_name == 'size': return self._size elif variable_name == 'color': return self._color elif variable_name == 'friction': return self._lateral_friction
[docs] def reinit_object(self): """ removes the object and reinitilaizes it again. :return: """ self.remove() self._init_object() return
[docs] def remove(self): """ removes the object. :return: """ for i in range(0, len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): pybullet.removeBody(self._block_ids[i], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) self._block_ids = [] self._shape_ids = [] return
def _set_color(self, color): """ :param color: (nd.array) the normalized RGB color, shape is (3,) :return: """ for i in range(len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): pybullet.changeVisualShape( self._block_ids[i], -1, rgbaColor=np.append(color, 1), physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) return def _set_lateral_friction(self, lateral_friction): """ :param lateral_friction: (float) specifies the lateral friction. :return: """ for i in range(len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): pybullet.changeDynamics(bodyUniqueId=self._block_ids[i], linkIndex=-1, lateralFriction=lateral_friction, physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[i] ) def _set_restitution(self,restitution): """ :param restitution: (float) specifies the restitution. :return: """ for i in range(len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): pybullet.changeDynamics( bodyUniqueId=self._block_ids[i], linkIndex=-1, restitution=restitution, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) def _set_spinning_friction(self, spinning_friction): """ :param spinning_friction: (float) specifies the spinning friction. :return: """ for i in range(len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): pybullet.changeDynamics( bodyUniqueId=self._block_ids[i], linkIndex=-1, spinningFriction=spinning_friction, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) def _set_velocities(self): """ sets the velocities specified when constructing the object. :return: """ for i in range(0, len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): pybullet.resetBaseVelocity( self._block_ids[i], self._initial_linear_velocity, self._initial_angular_velocity, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i])
[docs] def set_pose(self, position, orientation): """ :param position: (nd.array) specifies the cartesian position of the object. :param orientation: (nd.array) specifies the quaternion orientation of the object. :return: """ for i in range(0, len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): position[-1] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT pybullet.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[i], position, orientation, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) return
[docs] def get_state(self, state_type='dict'): """ :param state_type: 'list' or 'dict'. :return: (dict or list) specifies the state of the object. """ if state_type == 'dict': state = dict() position, orientation = \ pybullet.getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId = self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT state["type"] = self._type_id state["cartesian_position"] = np.array(position) state["cylindrical_position"] = cart2cyl(np.array(position)) state["orientation"] = np.array(orientation) state["size"] = self._size state["color"] = self._color state["friction"] = self._lateral_friction if self.is_not_fixed(): linear_velocity, angular_velocity = \ pybullet.getBaseVelocity(self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) state["linear_velocity"] = np.array(linear_velocity) state["angular_velocity"] = np.array(angular_velocity) state["mass"] = self._mass elif state_type == 'list': state = [] position, orientation = pybullet.\ getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT if self.is_not_fixed(): linear_velocity, angular_velocity = pybullet.\ getBaseVelocity( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) for name in self._state_variable_names: if name == 'type': state.append(self._type_id) elif name == 'cartesian_position': state.extend(position) elif name == 'orientation': state.extend(orientation) elif name == 'linear_velocity': state.extend(linear_velocity) elif name == 'angular_velocity': state.extend(angular_velocity) elif name == 'mass': state.append(self._mass) elif name == 'size': state.extend(self._size) elif name == 'color': state.extend(self._color) elif name == 'friction': state.append(self._lateral_friction) return state
[docs] def set_full_state(self, new_state): """ :param new_state: (list) specifies the state of the object to be set. :return: """ #form dict first new_state_dict = dict() current_state = self.get_state() start = 0 for i in range(len(self._state_variable_sizes)): end = start + self._state_variable_sizes[i] if not np.all(current_state[self._state_variable_names[i]] == new_state[start:end]): if end == start + 1: new_state_dict[self._state_variable_names[i]] = \ new_state[start:end][0] else: new_state_dict[self._state_variable_names[i]] = \ new_state[start:end] start = end self.apply_interventions(new_state_dict) return
[docs] def apply_interventions(self, interventions_dict): """ :param interventions_dict: (dict) specifies the interventions to be performed on the various variables. :return: """ #TODO: Add frictions to apply interventions if 'cylindrical_position' in interventions_dict: interventions_dict['cartesian_position'] = cyl2cart( interventions_dict['cylindrical_position']) if 'euler_orientation' in interventions_dict: interventions_dict['orientation'] = euler_to_quaternion( interventions_dict['euler_orientation']) if 'cartesian_position' not in interventions_dict or \ 'orientation' not in interventions_dict: position, orientation = pybullet.\ getBasePositionAndOrientation(self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT if 'cartesian_position' in interventions_dict: position = interventions_dict['cartesian_position'] if 'orientation' in interventions_dict: orientation = interventions_dict['orientation'] if 'mass' in interventions_dict: self._mass = interventions_dict['mass'] if 'friction' in interventions_dict: self._lateral_friction = interventions_dict['friction'] if 'size' in interventions_dict: self._size = interventions_dict['size'] self._set_volume() self.reinit_object() elif 'mass' in interventions_dict: for i in range(0, len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): pybullet.changeDynamics( self._block_ids[i], -1, mass=self._mass, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) elif 'friction' in interventions_dict: self._set_lateral_friction(self._lateral_friction) if 'cartesian_position' in interventions_dict or 'orientation' in \ interventions_dict: for i in range(0, len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): position[-1] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT pybullet.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[i], position, orientation, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) if 'color' in interventions_dict: self._color = interventions_dict['color'] self._set_color(self._color) if ('linear_velocity' in interventions_dict) ^ \ ('angular_velocity' in interventions_dict): for i in range(0, len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): linear_velocity, angular_velocity = \ pybullet.getBaseVelocity( self._block_ids[i], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) if 'linear_velocity' in interventions_dict: linear_velocity = interventions_dict['linear_velocity'] if 'angular_velocity' in interventions_dict: angular_velocity = interventions_dict['angular_velocity'] if 'angular_velocity' in interventions_dict or 'linear_velocity' in \ interventions_dict: for i in range(0, len(self._pybullet_client_ids)): pybullet.resetBaseVelocity( self._block_ids[i], linear_velocity, angular_velocity, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[i]) return
[docs] def get_state_variable_names(self): """ :return: (list) returns the state variable names. """ return self._state_variable_names
[docs] def is_not_fixed(self): """ :return: (bool) true if its not fixed object. """ return self._not_fixed
[docs] def get_bounds(self): """ :return: (tuple) first position of the tuple is the lower bound of the bounding box of the object and second position of the tuple is the upper bound of the bounding box. """ return self._lower_bounds, self._upper_bounds
[docs] def get_state_size(self): """ :return: (int) specifies how large is the state of the object. """ return self._state_size
[docs] def get_bounding_box(self): """ :return: (nd.array) first position of the array is the lower bound of the bounding box of the object and second position of the array is the upper bound of the bounding box. """ #should be the same in both bb = pybullet.getAABB(self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) bb = np.array(bb) bb[0][-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT bb[1][-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT return bb
[docs] def get_vertices(self): """ :return: (nd.array) specifies the current vertices of the object. """ position, orientation = pybullet.\ getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0] ) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT vertices = [[1, 1, -1, 1], [1, -1, -1, 1], [-1, 1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, -1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 1, 1], [-1, -1, 1, 1]] temp_size = np.array([self._size[0], self._size[1], self._size[2], 2]) vertices = [(point * temp_size / 2.0) for point in vertices] return rotate_points(np.array(vertices), orientation, position)
[docs] def world_to_cube_r_matrix(self): """ :return: (nd.array) returns the transformation matrix of the object. """ position, orientation = pybullet.\ getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0] ) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT #TODO: double check if its not the inverse return get_transformation_matrix(position, orientation)
[docs] def get_rotation_matrix(self): """ :return: (nd.array) returns the rotation matrix of the object. """ position, orientation = pybullet.\ getBasePositionAndOrientation( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0] ) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT #TODO: double check if its not the inverse return get_rotation_matrix(orientation)
[docs] def get_size(self): """ :return: (nd.array) returns the size of the object. """ return self._size
[docs] def get_volume(self): """ :return: (nd.array) returns the volume of the object. """ return self._volume
[docs] def get_name(self): """ :return: (str) returns the name of the object. """ return self._name
[docs] def get_block_ids(self): """ :return: (list) returns the block ids in the active pybullet clients. """ return self._block_ids
[docs]class Cuboid(RigidObject):
[docs] def __init__( self, pybullet_client_ids, name, size=np.array([0.065, 0.065, 0.065]), initial_position=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0425]), initial_orientation=np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]), mass=0.08, color=np.array([1, 0, 0]), initial_linear_velocity=np.array([0, 0, 0]), initial_angular_velocity=np.array([0, 0, 0]), lateral_friction=1, ): """ This specifies the moving cuboid object in the arena. :param pybullet_client_ids: (list) specifies the pybullet client ids. :param name: (str) specifies the name of the object. :param size: (list float) specifies the size in the three directions. :param initial_position: (list float) specifies the position in x,y,z. :param initial_orientation: (list float) specifies the quaternion of the object. :param mass: (float) specifies the mass of the object. :param color: (list float) specifies the RGB values of the cuboid. :param initial_linear_velocity: (list float) specifies the initial linear velocity vx, vy, vz. :param initial_angular_velocity: (list float) specifies the initial angular velocities. :param lateral_friction: (float) specifies the lateral friction. """ #TODO: intervene on friction as well super(Cuboid, self).__init__(pybullet_client_ids=pybullet_client_ids, name=name, size=size, initial_position=initial_position, initial_orientation=initial_orientation, mass=mass, color=color, fixed_bool=False, lateral_friction=lateral_friction, spinning_friction=0.001, restitution=0, initial_linear_velocity= initial_linear_velocity, initial_angular_velocity= initial_angular_velocity)
def _create_object(self, pybullet_client_id, **kwargs): """ :param pybullet_client_id: (int) corresponding pybullet client to create the object in. :param kwargs: (params) parameters for the object creation. :return: (tuple) the first position specifies the shape_id and the second specifies the block id for pybullet. """ shape_id = pybullet.createCollisionShape( shapeType=pybullet.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=np.array(self._size) / 2, physicsClientId=pybullet_client_id) position = np.array(self._initial_position) position[-1] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT block_id = pybullet.createMultiBody( baseCollisionShapeIndex=shape_id, basePosition=position, baseOrientation=self._initial_orientation, baseMass=self._mass, physicsClientId=pybullet_client_id) return shape_id, block_id def _define_type_id(self): """ Sets the type id. :return: """ self._type_id = 1 return
[docs] def get_recreation_params(self): """ :return: (dict) the creation parameters needed to recreate the object. """ recreation_params = dict() recreation_params['name'] = self._name recreation_params['size'] = self._size linear_velocity, angular_velocity = \ pybullet.getBaseVelocity( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position, orientation = pybullet. \ getBasePositionAndOrientation(self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT recreation_params['initial_position'] = position recreation_params['initial_orientation'] = orientation recreation_params['mass'] = self._mass recreation_params['color'] = self._color recreation_params['lateral_friction'] = self._lateral_friction recreation_params['initial_linear_velocity'] = \ linear_velocity recreation_params['initial_angular_velocity'] = \ angular_velocity return copy.deepcopy(recreation_params)
[docs]class StaticCuboid(RigidObject):
[docs] def __init__(self, pybullet_client_ids, name, size=np.array([0.065, 0.065, 0.065]), position=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0425]), orientation=np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]), color=np.array([1, 0, 0]), lateral_friction=1): """ :param pybullet_client_ids: (list) specifies the pybullet clients. :param name: (str) specifies the name of the object. :param size: (list float) specifies the size in the three directions. :param position: (list float) specifies the position in x,y,z. :param orientation: (list float) specifies the quaternion of the object. :param color: (list float) specifies the RGB values of the cuboid. :param lateral_friction: (float) specifies the lateral friction. """ #TODO: intervene on friction as well super(StaticCuboid, self).__init__(pybullet_client_ids= pybullet_client_ids, name=name, size=size, initial_position=position, initial_orientation=orientation, mass=0, color=color, fixed_bool=True, lateral_friction=lateral_friction, spinning_friction=0.001, restitution=0, initial_linear_velocity= [0, 0, 0], initial_angular_velocity= [0, 0, 0])
def _create_object(self, pybullet_client_id, **kwargs): """ :param pybullet_client_id: (int) corresponding pybullet client to create the object in. :param kwargs: (params) parameters for the object creation. :return: (tuple) the first position specifies the shape_id and the second specifies the block id for pybullet. """ position = np.array(self._initial_position) position[-1] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT shape_id = pybullet.createCollisionShape( shapeType=pybullet.GEOM_BOX, halfExtents=np.array(self._size) / 2, physicsClientId=pybullet_client_id) block_id = pybullet.createMultiBody( baseCollisionShapeIndex=shape_id, basePosition=position, baseOrientation=self._initial_orientation, baseMass=self._mass, physicsClientId=pybullet_client_id) return shape_id, block_id def _define_type_id(self): """ Sets the type id of the object. :return: """ self._type_id = 10 return
[docs] def get_recreation_params(self): """ :return: (dict) the creation parameters needed to recreate the object. """ recreation_params = dict() recreation_params['name'] = self._name recreation_params['size'] = self._size position, orientation = pybullet. \ getBasePositionAndOrientation(self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT recreation_params['position'] = position recreation_params['orientation'] = orientation recreation_params['color'] = self._color recreation_params['lateral_friction'] = self._lateral_friction return copy.deepcopy(recreation_params)
[docs]class MeshObject(RigidObject):
[docs] def __init__(self, pybullet_client_ids, name, filename, scale=np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01]), initial_position=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0425]), initial_orientation=np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]), color=np.array([1, 0, 0]), mass=0.08, initial_linear_velocity=np.array([0, 0, 0]), initial_angular_velocity=np.array([0, 0, 0]), lateral_friction=1): """ :param pybullet_client_ids: (list) specifies the pybullet clients. :param name: (str) specifies the name of the object. :param filename: (str) specifies the name of the file itself. :param scale: (list float) specifies the scale of the mesh object. :param initial_position: (list float) specifies the positions in x,y,z :param initial_orientation: (list float) specifies the quaternion of the object. :param color: (list float) specifies the RGB values. :param mass: (float) specifies the object mass. :param initial_linear_velocity: (list float) specifies the velocity in vx, vy, vz. :param initial_angular_velocity: (list float) specifies the velocity in yaw, roll, pitch. :param lateral_friction: (float) specifies the lateral friction. """ #TODO: intervene on friction as well self._scale = scale self._filename = filename super(MeshObject, self).__init__(pybullet_client_ids=pybullet_client_ids, name=name, size=[0, 0, 0], initial_position=initial_position, initial_orientation=initial_orientation, mass=mass, color=color, fixed_bool=False, lateral_friction=lateral_friction, spinning_friction=0.001, restitution=0, initial_linear_velocity=initial_linear_velocity, initial_angular_velocity=initial_angular_velocity) bb = self.get_bounding_box() self._size = np.array([(bb[1][0] - bb[0][0]), (bb[1][1] - bb[0][1]), (bb[1][2] - bb[0][2])])
def _create_object(self, pybullet_client_id, **kwargs): """ :param pybullet_client_id: (int) corresponding pybullet client to create the object in. :param kwargs: (params) parameters for the object creation. :return: (tuple) the first position specifies the shape_id and the second specifies the block id for pybullet. """ position = np.array(self._initial_position) position[-1] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT shape_id = pybullet.createCollisionShape( shapeType=pybullet.GEOM_MESH, meshScale=self._scale, fileName=self._filename, physicsClientId=pybullet_client_id) block_id = pybullet.createMultiBody( baseCollisionShapeIndex=shape_id, basePosition=position, baseOrientation=self._initial_orientation, baseMass=self._mass, physicsClientId=pybullet_client_id) return shape_id, block_id def _define_type_id(self): """ Sets the type id of the object. :return: """ self._type_id = 2 return
[docs] def get_recreation_params(self): """ :return: (dict) the creation parameters needed to recreate the object. """ recreation_params = dict() recreation_params['name'] = self._name recreation_params['filename'] = self._filename recreation_params['scale'] = self._scale position, orientation = pybullet. \ getBasePositionAndOrientation(self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) linear_velocity, angular_velocity = \ pybullet.getBaseVelocity( self._block_ids[0], physicsClientId= self._pybullet_client_ids[0]) position = np.array(position) position[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT recreation_params['initial_position'] = position recreation_params['initial_orientation'] = orientation recreation_params['mass'] = self._mass recreation_params['initial_linear_velocity'] = linear_velocity recreation_params['initial_angular_velocity'] = angular_velocity recreation_params['color'] = self._color recreation_params['lateral_friction'] = self._lateral_friction return copy.deepcopy(recreation_params)