Source code for causal_world.envs.robot.trifinger

from causal_world.envs.robot.action import TriFingerAction
from causal_world.envs.robot.observations import TriFingerObservations
import numpy as np
import pybullet
from causal_world.configs.world_constants import WorldConstants

[docs]class TriFingerRobot(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, action_mode, observation_mode, skip_frame, normalize_actions, normalize_observations, simulation_time, pybullet_client_full_id, pybullet_client_w_goal_id, pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id, revolute_joint_ids, finger_tip_ids, cameras=None, camera_indicies=np.array([0, 1, 2])): """ This class provides the functionalities of the robot itself :param action_mode: (str) defines the action mode of the robot whether its joint_positions, end_effector_positions or joint_torques. :param observation_mode: (str) defines the observation mode of the robot if cameras or structured. :param skip_frame: (int) the low level controller is running @250Hz which corresponds to skip frame of 1, a skip frame of 250 corresponds to frequency of 1Hz :param normalize_actions: (bool) this is a boolean which specifies whether the actions passed to the step function are normalized or not. :param normalize_observations: (bool) this is a boolean which specifies whether the observations returned should be normalized or not. :param simulation_time: (float) the time for one action step in the pybullet simulation. :param pybullet_client_full_id: (int) pybullet client full mode id :param pybullet_client_w_goal_id: (int) pybullet client with goal mode id :param pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id: (int) pybullet client without goal mode id :param revolute_joint_ids: (list) joint ids in the urdf :param finger_tip_ids: (list) finger tip ids in the urdf :param cameras: (list) Camera objects list :param camera_indicies: (list) maximum of 3 elements where each element is from 0 to , specifies which cameras to return in the observations and the order as well. """ self._pybullet_client_full_id = pybullet_client_full_id self._pybullet_client_w_goal_id = pybullet_client_w_goal_id self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id = pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id self._revolute_joint_ids = revolute_joint_ids self._finger_tip_ids = finger_tip_ids self._normalize_actions = normalize_actions self._normalize_observations = normalize_observations self._action_mode = action_mode self._observation_mode = observation_mode self._skip_frame = skip_frame self._simulation_time = simulation_time self._dt = self._simulation_time * self._skip_frame #TODO: for some reason this is needed self._control_index = -1 self._position_gains = np.array([10.0, 10.0, 10.0] * 3) self._velocity_gains = np.array([0.1, 0.3, 0.001] * 3) self._safety_kd = np.array([0.08, 0.08, 0.04] * 3) self._max_motor_torque = 0.36 self._robot_actions = TriFingerAction(action_mode, normalize_actions) if self._pybullet_client_w_goal_id is not None: self._set_finger_state_in_goal_image() self._tool_cameras = cameras self._camera_indicies = camera_indicies self._robot_observations = TriFingerObservations( observation_mode, normalize_observations, cameras=self._tool_cameras, camera_indicies=self._camera_indicies) self._last_action = None self._last_clipped_action = None if action_mode != "joint_torques": self._last_applied_joint_positions = None self._latest_full_state = None self._state_size = 18 self._disable_velocity_control() return
[docs] def get_control_index(self): """ :return: (int) returns the current control index """ return self._control_index
[docs] def get_full_env_state(self): """ :return: returns the current state variables and their values in the environment wrt to the robot. """ return self.get_current_variable_values()
[docs] def set_full_env_state(self, env_state): """ This function is used to set the env state through interventions on the environment itself :param env_state: (dict) specifies the state variables and its values to intervene on. :return: None """ self.apply_interventions(env_state) return
[docs] def update_latest_full_state(self): """ Updates the latest full state in terms of joint positions, velocities, torques..etc :return: None """ if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: current_joint_states = pybullet.\ getJointStates( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, self._revolute_joint_ids, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id ) else: current_joint_states = pybullet.\ getJointStates( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, self._revolute_joint_ids, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id ) current_position = np.array( [joint[0] for joint in current_joint_states]) current_velocity = np.array( [joint[1] for joint in current_joint_states]) current_torques = np.array([joint[3] for joint in current_joint_states]) self._latest_full_state = { 'positions': current_position, 'velocities': current_velocity, 'torques': current_torques, 'end_effector_positions': self._compute_end_effector_positions(current_position) } return
[docs] def compute_pd_control_torques(self, joint_positions): """ Compute torque command to reach given target position using a PD controller. :param joint_positions: (list) Desired joint positions. :return: (list) torques to be sent to the joints of the finger in order to reach the specified joint_positions. """ position_error = joint_positions - self._latest_full_state['positions'] position_feedback = np.asarray(self._position_gains) * \ position_error velocity_feedback = np.asarray(self._velocity_gains) * \ self._latest_full_state['velocities'] joint_torques = position_feedback - velocity_feedback return joint_torques
[docs] def set_action_mode(self, action_mode): """ Sets the action mode :param action_mode: (str) specifies the action mode of the robot. :return: None """ self._action_mode = action_mode self._robot_actions = TriFingerAction(action_mode, self._normalize_actions)
[docs] def get_joint_positions_raised(self): """ :return: (list) returns the upper joint positions limit. """ return self._robot_actions.joint_positions_raised
[docs] def get_action_mode(self): """ :return: (str) returns the current action mode. """ return self._action_mode
[docs] def set_observation_mode(self, observation_mode): """ Sets the observation mode :param observation_mode: (str) sets the observation mode of the robot itself. :return: None """ self._observation_mode = observation_mode self._robot_observations = \ TriFingerObservations(observation_mode, self._normalize_observations, cameras=self._tool_cameras, camera_indicies=self._camera_indicies) return
[docs] def get_observation_mode(self): """ :return: (str) returns the observation mode of the robot. """ return self._observation_mode
[docs] def get_skip_frame(self): """ :return: (int) returns the current skip frame. """ return self._skip_frame
[docs] def get_full_state(self): """ :return: (nd.array) return the positions and velocities of the three fingers concatenated. """ return np.append(self._latest_full_state['positions'], self._latest_full_state['velocities'])
[docs] def set_full_state(self, state): """ :param state: (nd.array) sets the positions and velocities, shape (18,). :return: None """ self._set_finger_state(state[:9], state[9:]) # here the previous actions will all be zeros to # avoid dealing with different action modes for now self._last_action = np.zeros(9,) self._last_clipped_action = np.zeros(9,) if self._action_mode != "joint_torques": self._last_applied_joint_positions = list(state[:9]) return
[docs] def get_last_action(self): """ :return: (nd.array) returns the last action passed to the robot. """ return self._last_action
[docs] def get_last_clipped_action(self): """ :return: (nd.array) returns the last clipped action passed to the robot, based on the range of the action space. """ return self._last_clipped_action
[docs] def get_last_applied_joint_positions(self): """ :return: (nd.array) returns the last applied joint positions passed to the pd controller. This is not valid if the action mode is "joint_torques". """ return self._last_applied_joint_positions
[docs] def get_observation_spaces(self): """ :return: (gym.Spaces) returns the current observation space of the robot. """ return self._robot_observations.get_observation_spaces()
[docs] def get_action_spaces(self): """ :return: (gym.Spaces) returns the current action space of the robot. """ return self._robot_actions.get_action_space()
[docs] def get_state_size(self): """ :return: (int) returns the state size of the robot, mainly joint positions and joint velocities that defines the state of the robot, ignoring interventions. """ return self._state_size
[docs] def step_simulation(self): """ steps through the simulation function of the pybullet backend. :return: """ if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: pybullet.stepSimulation( physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id) if self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id is not None: pybullet.stepSimulation( physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id) self.update_latest_full_state() return
[docs] def apply_action(self, action): """ Applied the passed action to the robot. :param action: (nd.array) the action to be applied. Should adhere to the action_mode. :return: None. """ self._control_index += 1 clipped_action = self._robot_actions.clip_action(action) action_to_apply = clipped_action if self._normalize_actions: action_to_apply = self._robot_actions.denormalize_action( clipped_action) if self._action_mode == "joint_positions": self._last_applied_joint_positions = action_to_apply for _ in range(self._skip_frame): desired_torques = \ self.compute_pd_control_torques(action_to_apply) self.send_torque_commands( desired_torque_commands=desired_torques) self.step_simulation() elif self._action_mode == "joint_torques": for _ in range(self._skip_frame): self.send_torque_commands( desired_torque_commands=action_to_apply) self.step_simulation() elif self._action_mode == "end_effector_positions": #TODO: just a hack since IK is not stable if np.isclose(self._latest_full_state['end_effector_positions'], action_to_apply).all(): joint_positions = self._last_applied_joint_positions else: joint_positions = self.get_joint_positions_from_tip_positions\ (action_to_apply, list(self._latest_full_state['positions'])) self._last_applied_joint_positions = joint_positions for _ in range(self._skip_frame): desired_torques = \ self.compute_pd_control_torques(joint_positions) self.send_torque_commands( desired_torque_commands=desired_torques) self.step_simulation() else: raise Exception("The action mode {} is not supported". format(self._action_mode)) self._last_action = action self._last_clipped_action = clipped_action return
[docs] def get_dt(self): """ :return: (float) returns the current dt of one step. How much time is equivilant to one step function. """ return self._dt
[docs] def get_latest_full_state(self): """ :return: (dict) returns a dict with joint velocities, joint positions and joint torques of the robot. """ return self._latest_full_state
[docs] def send_torque_commands(self, desired_torque_commands): """ :param desired_torque_commands: (nd.array) the desired torque commands to be applied to the robot. :return: (nd.array) the actual torque commands sent to the robot after applying a safety check. """ torque_commands = self._safety_torque_check(desired_torque_commands) if self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id is not None: pybullet.setJointMotorControlArray( bodyUniqueId=WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, jointIndices=self._revolute_joint_ids, controlMode=pybullet.TORQUE_CONTROL, forces=torque_commands, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id) if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: pybullet.setJointMotorControlArray( bodyUniqueId=WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, jointIndices=self._revolute_joint_ids, controlMode=pybullet.TORQUE_CONTROL, forces=torque_commands, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id) return torque_commands
def _safety_torque_check(self, desired_torques): """ :param desired_torques: (nd.array) the desired torque commands to be applied to the robot. :return: (nd.array) the modified torque commands after applying a safety check. """ applied_torques = np.clip( np.asarray(desired_torques), -self._max_motor_torque, +self._max_motor_torque, ) applied_torques -= self._safety_kd * self._latest_full_state[ 'velocities'] applied_torques = list( np.clip( np.asarray(applied_torques), -self._max_motor_torque, +self._max_motor_torque, )) return applied_torques
[docs] def inverse_kinematics(self, desired_tip_positions, rest_pose): """ :param desired_tip_positions: (list) desired tip positions in world frame. :param rest_pose: (list) initial inverse kinemetics solution to start from. :return: """ desired = np.array(desired_tip_positions) desired[2] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT desired[5] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT desired[8] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT if self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id is not None: client = self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id else: client = self._pybullet_client_full_id joint_pos = np.zeros([9]) finger_tip_ids = self._finger_tip_ids final_joint_pose = pybullet.calculateInverseKinematics2( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, [finger_tip_ids[0], finger_tip_ids[1], finger_tip_ids[2]], [desired[0:3], desired[3:6], desired[6:]], solver=pybullet.IK_DLS, currentPositions=rest_pose, physicsClientId=client) joint_pos[:3] = final_joint_pose[:3] final_joint_pose = pybullet.calculateInverseKinematics2( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, [finger_tip_ids[1], finger_tip_ids[0], finger_tip_ids[2]], [desired[3:6], desired[0:3], desired[6:]], solver=pybullet.IK_DLS, currentPositions=rest_pose, physicsClientId=client) joint_pos[3:6] = final_joint_pose[3:6] final_joint_pose = pybullet.calculateInverseKinematics2( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, [finger_tip_ids[2], finger_tip_ids[0], finger_tip_ids[1]], [desired[6:], desired[0:3], desired[3:6]], solver=pybullet.IK_DLS, currentPositions=rest_pose, physicsClientId=client) joint_pos[6:] = final_joint_pose[6:] if np.isnan(joint_pos).any(): joint_pos = rest_pose return joint_pos
[docs] def get_joint_positions_from_tip_positions(self, tip_positions, default_pose=None): """ :param tip_positions: (list) desired tip positions in world frame. :param default_pose: (list) initial inverse kinemetics solution to start from. :return: """ tip_positions[2] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT tip_positions[5] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT tip_positions[8] += WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT if default_pose is None: positions = self.inverse_kinematics(tip_positions, list(self.get_rest_pose()[0])) else: positions = self.inverse_kinematics(tip_positions, list(default_pose)) return positions
[docs] def get_current_camera_observations(self): """ :return: (nd.array) returns the current camera observations from the cameras selected on the robot in case the observation mode was "pixel" """ return self._robot_observations.get_current_camera_observations()
[docs] def get_rest_pose(self): """ :return: (tuple) returns the rest pose that the robot usually start from, the first in the tuple being the joint positions and the second is the end effector positions. """ deg45 = np.pi / 4 positions = [0, deg45, -deg45] joint_positions = positions * 3 end_effector_positions = [ 0.05142966, 0.03035857, 0.32112874, 0.00057646, -0.05971867, 0.32112874, -0.05200612, 0.02936011, 0.32112874 ] return joint_positions, end_effector_positions
[docs] def get_default_state(self): """ :return: (nd.array) returns the default state of the robot, (18,) first 9 positions occupy the joint positions and the second 9 positions occupy the joint velocities which is zero. """ return np.append(self.get_rest_pose()[0], np.zeros(9))
[docs] def get_current_variable_values(self): """ :return: (dict) returns all the exposed variables in the environment along with their corresponding values. """ # TODO: not a complete list yet of what we want to expose variable_params = dict() variable_params['joint_positions'] = self._latest_full_state[ 'positions'] variable_params['control_index'] = self._control_index variable_params['joint_velocities'] = self._latest_full_state[ 'velocities'] if self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id is not None: client = self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id else: client = self._pybullet_client_full_id position, _ = pybullet. \ getBasePositionAndOrientation(WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, physicsClientId= client) variable_params[ 'robot_height'] = position[-1] + WorldConstants.ROBOT_HEIGHT for robot_finger_link in WorldConstants.LINK_IDS: variable_params[robot_finger_link] = dict() variable_params[robot_finger_link]['color'] = \ pybullet.getVisualShapeData(WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, physicsClientId=client)\ [WorldConstants.VISUAL_SHAPE_IDS[robot_finger_link]][7][:3] variable_params[robot_finger_link]['mass'] = \ pybullet.getDynamicsInfo(WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, WorldConstants.LINK_IDS[robot_finger_link], physicsClientId=client)[0] return variable_params
[docs] def get_current_observations(self, helper_keys): """ :param helper_keys: (list) list of observation keys not part of the default observation space but needed to compute part of a reward function or to compute custom observations. :return: (dict) returns the full observations of the robot itself with the values of the helper keys as well. """ return self._robot_observations.get_current_observations( self._latest_full_state, helper_keys)
def _compute_end_effector_positions(self, joint_positions): """ :param joint_positions: (nd.array) the current joint positions of the robot (not used for now, might be used for pinnochio) :return: (nd.array) the current end effector positions of the robot. """ result = np.array([]) if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: position_1 = pybullet.getLinkState( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, linkIndex=5, computeForwardKinematics=True, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id) position_2 = pybullet.getLinkState( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, linkIndex=10, computeForwardKinematics=True, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id) position_3 = pybullet.getLinkState( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, linkIndex=15, computeForwardKinematics=True, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id) else: position_1 = pybullet.getLinkState( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, linkIndex=5, computeForwardKinematics=True, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id) position_2 = pybullet.getLinkState( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, linkIndex=10, computeForwardKinematics=True, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id) position_3 = pybullet.getLinkState( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, linkIndex=15, computeForwardKinematics=True, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id) result = np.append(result, position_1[0]) result = np.append(result, position_2[0]) result = np.append(result, position_3[0]) result[2] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT result[5] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT result[-1] -= WorldConstants.FLOOR_HEIGHT return result def _process_action_joint_positions(self, robot_state): """ This returns the absolute joint positions command sent in position control mode (end effector and joint positions), this observation shouldnt be used in torque control :param robot_state: (dict) the current robot state. :return: (nd.array) returns te last joint actions applied to be sued as part of the observations. """ last_joints_action_applied = self.get_last_applied_joint_positions() if self._normalize_observations: last_joints_action_applied = self.normalize_observation_for_key( observation=last_joints_action_applied, key='action_joint_positions') return last_joints_action_applied
[docs] def clear(self): """ clears the robot for a reset for instance. :return: None. """ self._last_action = np.zeros(9, ) self._last_clipped_action = np.zeros(9, ) self._last_applied_joint_positions = \ self._latest_full_state['positions'] self._control_index = -1 return
[docs] def reset_state(self, joint_positions=None, joint_velocities=None, end_effector_positions=None): """ :param joint_positions: (nd.array) the joint positions for the root to be reset in. :param joint_velocities: (nd.array) the joint velocities for the root to be reset in. :param end_effector_positions: (nd.array) the end effector positions for the root to be reset in, this shouldn't be used in combination with the other args. :return: """ self._latest_full_state = None self._control_index = -1 if end_effector_positions is not None: joint_positions = self.get_joint_positions_from_tip_positions( end_effector_positions, list(self.get_rest_pose()[0])) if joint_positions is None: joint_positions = list(self.get_rest_pose()[0]) if joint_velocities is None: joint_velocities = np.zeros(9) self._set_finger_state(joint_positions, joint_velocities) #here the previous actions will all be zeros to avoid dealing with different action modes for now self._last_action = np.zeros(9,) self._last_clipped_action = np.zeros(9,) if self._action_mode != "joint_torques": self._last_applied_joint_positions = list(joint_positions) return
[docs] def sample_joint_positions(self, sampling_strategy="uniform"): """ :param sampling_strategy: (str) this only supports "uniform" strategy for now. :return: (nd.array) returns the sampled joint positions. """ if sampling_strategy == "uniform": positions = np.random.uniform( self._robot_actions.joint_positions_lower_bounds, self._robot_actions.joint_positions_upper_bounds) else: raise Exception("not yet implemented") return positions
[docs] def sample_end_effector_positions(self, sampling_strategy="middle_stage"): """ :param sampling_strategy: (str) this only supports "middle_stage" strategy for now. :return: (nd.array) returns the sampled end effector positions. """ if sampling_strategy == "middle_stage": tip_positions = np.random.uniform( [0.1, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1, -0.15, 0.15, -0.15, -0.15, 0.15], [0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, -0.1, 0.15, -0.1, -0.1, 0.15]) else: raise Exception("not yet implemented") return tip_positions
[docs] def forward_simulation(self, time=1): """ :param time: (float) forwards the simulation by the time specified. :return: """ old_action_mode = self.get_action_mode() self.set_action_mode('joint_positions') n_steps = int(time / self._simulation_time) action_to_apply = self._latest_full_state['positions'] for _ in range(n_steps): desired_torques = self.compute_pd_control_torques(action_to_apply) self.send_torque_commands(desired_torque_commands=desired_torques) self.step_simulation() self.set_action_mode(old_action_mode) return
[docs] def select_observations(self, observation_keys): """ :param observation_keys: (list) the observations keys for the robot to be added in the observation space itself. :return: None. """ self._robot_observations.reset_observation_keys() for key in observation_keys: if key == "action_joint_positions": self._robot_observations.add_observation( "action_joint_positions", observation_fn=self._process_action_joint_positions) else: self._robot_observations.add_observation(key) return
[docs] def close(self): """ closes the pybullet clients connected. :return: None. """ if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: pybullet.disconnect(physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id) if self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id is not None: pybullet.disconnect( physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id) if self._pybullet_client_w_goal_id is not None: pybullet.disconnect(physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_goal_id) return
[docs] def add_observation(self, observation_key, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, observation_fn=None): """ :param observation_key: (str) observation name to be added. :param lower_bound: (nd.array) the lower bound of this observation when added to the space unnormalized. :param upper_bound: (nd.array) the upper bound of this observation when added to the space unnormalized. :param observation_fn: (function) a callable function that when passed the robot stat, it calculates this custom observation. :return: None. """ self._robot_observations.add_observation(observation_key, lower_bound, upper_bound, observation_fn) return
[docs] def normalize_observation_for_key(self, observation, key): """ :param observation: (nd.array) the observation to be normalized. :param key: (str) the key corresponding to this observation. :return: (nd.array) observation after normalization. """ return self._robot_observations.normalize_observation_for_key( observation, key)
[docs] def denormalize_observation_for_key(self, observation, key): """ :param observation: (nd.array) the observation to be denormalized. :param key: (str) the key corresponding to this observation. :return: (nd.array) observation after de-normalization. """ return self._robot_observations.denormalize_observation_for_key( observation, key)
[docs] def apply_interventions(self, interventions_dict): """ :param interventions_dict: (dict) a dictionary specifying which variables and values for a do intervention on variables that belong to the robot only. :return: None. """ #TODO: add friction of each link old_state = self.get_full_state() if "joint_positions" in interventions_dict: new_joint_positions = interventions_dict["joint_positions"] else: new_joint_positions = old_state[:9] if "joint_velocities" in interventions_dict: new_joint_velcoities = interventions_dict["joint_velocities"] else: new_joint_velcoities = old_state[9:] if "joint_positions" in interventions_dict or \ "joint_velocities" in interventions_dict: self._set_finger_state(new_joint_positions, new_joint_velcoities) self._last_action = np.zeros(9,) self._last_clipped_action = np.zeros(9,) if self._action_mode != "joint_torques": self._last_applied_joint_positions = list(new_joint_positions) for intervention in interventions_dict: if intervention == "joint_velocities" or \ intervention == "joint_positions": continue if intervention == 'robot_height': if self._pybullet_client_w_goal_id is not None: pybullet.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, [ 0, 0, interventions_dict[intervention] - WorldConstants.ROBOT_HEIGHT ], [0, 0, 0, 1], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_goal_id) if self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id is not None: pybullet.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, [ 0, 0, interventions_dict[intervention] - WorldConstants.ROBOT_HEIGHT ], [0, 0, 0, 1], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id) if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: pybullet.resetBasePositionAndOrientation( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, [ 0, 0, interventions_dict[intervention] - WorldConstants.ROBOT_HEIGHT ], [0, 0, 0, 1], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id) self.update_latest_full_state() continue if "robot_finger" in intervention: for sub_intervention_variable in \ interventions_dict[intervention]: if sub_intervention_variable == 'color': if self._pybullet_client_w_goal_id is not None: pybullet.changeVisualShape( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, WorldConstants.LINK_IDS[intervention], rgbaColor=np.append( interventions_dict[intervention] [sub_intervention_variable], 1), physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_goal_id) if self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id is not None: pybullet.changeVisualShape( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, WorldConstants.LINK_IDS[intervention], rgbaColor=np.append( interventions_dict[intervention] [sub_intervention_variable], 1), physicsClientId=self. _pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id) if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: pybullet.changeVisualShape( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, WorldConstants.LINK_IDS[intervention], rgbaColor=np.append( interventions_dict[intervention] [sub_intervention_variable], 1), physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id) elif sub_intervention_variable == 'mass': if self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id is not None: pybullet.changeDynamics \ (WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, WorldConstants.LINK_IDS[intervention], mass= interventions_dict[intervention] [sub_intervention_variable], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id) if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: pybullet.changeDynamics \ (WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, WorldConstants.LINK_IDS[intervention], mass= interventions_dict[intervention] [sub_intervention_variable], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id) else: raise Exception( "The intervention state variable specified is " "not allowed") elif intervention == "control_index": self._control_index = interventions_dict["control_index"] else: raise Exception( "The intervention state variable specified is " "not allowed", intervention) return
[docs] def check_feasibility_of_robot_state(self): """ This function checks the feasibility of the current state of the robot (i.e checks if its in penetration with anything now :return: (bool) A boolean indicating whether the robot is in a collision state or not. """ if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: client = self._pybullet_client_full_id else: client = self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id for contact in pybullet.getContactPoints(physicsClientId=client): if (contact[1] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID or contact[2] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID) and \ contact[8] < -0.0095: return False return True
[docs] def is_self_colliding(self): """ :return: (bool) A boolean indicating whether the robot is self colliding with itself. """ if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: client = self._pybullet_client_full_id else: client = self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id for contact in pybullet.getContactPoints(physicsClientId=client): if contact[1] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID and \ contact[2] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID: return True return False
[docs] def is_colliding_with_stage(self): """ :return: (bool) A boolean indicating whether the robot is colliding with the stage. """ if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: client = self._pybullet_client_full_id else: client = self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id for contact in pybullet.getContactPoints(physicsClientId=client): if (contact[1] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID and contact[2] == WorldConstants.STAGE_ID) or \ (contact[2] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID and contact[1] == WorldConstants.STAGE_ID): return True return False
[docs] def is_in_contact_with_block(self, block): """ :param block: (causal_world.envs.RigidObject) rigid object to query collision with the robot. :return: (bool) A boolean indicating whether the robot is colliding with block passed. """ if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: client = self._pybullet_client_full_id else: client = self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id for contact in pybullet.getContactPoints(physicsClientId=client): if (contact[1] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID and contact[2] == block._block_ids[0]) or \ (contact[2] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID and contact[1] == block._block_ids[0]): return True return False
[docs] def get_normal_interaction_force_with_block(self, block, finger_tip_number): """ :param block: (causal_world.envs.RigidObject) rigid object to query collision with the robot. :param finger_tip_number: (int) should be 60, 120 or 300. :return: (float) returns the normal interaction force between the block and the finger tip or None if no interaction exists. """ # TODO: doesnt account for several contacts per body if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: client = self._pybullet_client_full_id else: client = self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id if finger_tip_number == 60: idx = WorldConstants.LINK_IDS['robot_finger_60_link_3'] elif finger_tip_number == 120: idx = WorldConstants.LINK_IDS['robot_finger_120_link_3'] elif finger_tip_number == 300: idx = WorldConstants.LINK_IDS['robot_finger_300_link_3'] else: raise Exception("finger tip number doesnt exist") for contact in pybullet.getContactPoints(physicsClientId=client): if (contact[1] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID and contact[2] == block._block_ids[0]) or \ (contact[2] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID and contact[1] == block._block_ids[0]): return contact[9] * np.array(contact[7]) for contact in pybullet.getContactPoints(physicsClientId=client): if (contact[1] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID and contact[2] == block._block_ids[0] and contact[3] == idx) or \ (contact[2] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID and contact[1] == block._block_ids[0] and contact[4] == idx): return contact[9] * np.array(contact[7]) return None
[docs] def get_tip_contact_states(self): """ :return: (list) returns a list of 3, 0 if open and 1 is closed (i.e 0 when the correpsonding finger tip is not in contact with anything and 1 otherwise). """ #TODO: only support open and closed states (should support slipping too) if self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id is not None: client = self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id is not None else: client = self._pybullet_client_full_id contact_tips = [0, 0, 0] #all are open for contact in pybullet.getContactPoints(physicsClientId=client): if contact[1] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID: if contact[3] == WorldConstants.LINK_IDS[ 'robot_finger_60_link_3']: contact_tips[0] = 1 elif contact[3] == WorldConstants.LINK_IDS[ 'robot_finger_120_link_3']: contact_tips[1] = 1 elif contact[3] == WorldConstants.LINK_IDS[ 'robot_finger_300_link_3']: contact_tips[2] = 1 elif contact[2] == WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID: if contact[4] == WorldConstants.LINK_IDS[ 'robot_finger_60_link_3']: contact_tips[0] = 1 elif contact[4] == WorldConstants.LINK_IDS[ 'robot_finger_180_link_3']: contact_tips[1] = 1 elif contact[4] == WorldConstants.LINK_IDS[ 'robot_finger_300_link_3']: contact_tips[2] = 1 return contact_tips
def _disable_velocity_control(self): """ To disable the high friction velocity motors created by default at all revolute and prismatic joints while loading them from the urdf. :return: None """ if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: pybullet.setJointMotorControlArray( bodyUniqueId=WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, jointIndices=self._revolute_joint_ids, controlMode=pybullet.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocities=[0] * len(self._revolute_joint_ids), forces=[0] * len(self._revolute_joint_ids), physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id) if self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id is not None: pybullet.setJointMotorControlArray( bodyUniqueId=WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, jointIndices=self._revolute_joint_ids, controlMode=pybullet.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocities=[0] * len(self._revolute_joint_ids), forces=[0] * len(self._revolute_joint_ids), physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id) return def _set_finger_state(self, joint_positions, joint_velocities=None): """ :param joint_positions: (nd.array) joint positions for setting the finger state. :param joint_velocities: (nd.array) joint velocities for setting the finger state. :return: None. """ if self._pybullet_client_full_id is not None: if joint_velocities is None: for i, joint_id in enumerate(self._revolute_joint_ids): pybullet.resetJointState( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, joint_id, joint_positions[i], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id) else: for i, joint_id in enumerate(self._revolute_joint_ids): pybullet.resetJointState( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, joint_id, joint_positions[i], joint_velocities[i], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_full_id) if self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id is not None: if joint_velocities is None: for i, joint_id in enumerate(self._revolute_joint_ids): pybullet.resetJointState( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, joint_id, joint_positions[i], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id) else: for i, joint_id in enumerate(self._revolute_joint_ids): pybullet.resetJointState( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, joint_id, joint_positions[i], joint_velocities[i], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_o_goal_id) self.update_latest_full_state() return def _set_finger_state_in_goal_image(self): """ raises the fingers in the goal image. :return: """ joint_positions = \ self._robot_actions.joint_positions_lower_bounds for i, joint_id in enumerate(self._revolute_joint_ids): pybullet.resetJointState( WorldConstants.ROBOT_ID, joint_id, joint_positions[i], physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_w_goal_id) return